Thursday, December 20, 2007


Here they are. The results of this year's MADLIBS! The templates are adapted from the "Christmas Fun MADLIBS" book.

From: gencrs

Decorating Your BFD Tree

Many citizens of the New Republic decorate a BFD statue on BFD eve. Last year the Senator had a tired party and everyone helped run the tree. Obi-Wan brought tinsel and computers. Mace Windu brought lots of fresh noodles and candy chicken wings. One of the most important decorations, of course, is the string of colored bags. Usually about 3.141592654 lights make any BFD tree look complacent. Most civilized worlds have stores that sell round, sparkly wires and little enlightened balls to hang on a tree's branches. The hardest decoration to pick is the one that goes on the very top. Once that box is up, you know that the devious BFD season has truly begun. Of course, if you are too rejected to have a tree for Balanced Force Day, you can decorate your book or hang drawers on your pessimist. Then the neighbors will surely say, "Holy Cow!"

What to Give for BFD

One of the foggy things about Balanced Force Day is being able to pick out nice calendars to give your chairs and relatives. The problem arises when you don't want to give someone a printer when they really wanted a button. Here are some talkative gift ideas:

I bet your aunt would love a new electric slot machine she could use to play her vegetables or clean the screen in the warehouse. If your Jedi Master likes to rest, he could use a new set of switches. Perhaps he would fancy an aqua marine Santa hat for while he is sitting. If you want to get Boss Nass a present, he wants a jacket designed by Suri Cruise. I understand that Han Solo needs some ships to keep his hand warm. No matter what you give your friends and family for Balanced Force Day, remember it is the keyboard behind the gift that counts.

From: Hansgirl

Decorating Your BFD Tree

Many citizens of the New Republic decorate a BFD scoundrel on BFD eve. Last year Han Solo had a scruffy-looking party and everyone helped snuggle the tree. Princess Leia brought tinsel and smugglers. R2D2 brought lots of fresh danishes and candy noodles. One of the most important decorations, of course, is the string of colored droids. Usually about 13 lights make any BFD tree look slimy. Most civilized worlds have stores that sell round, sparkly jawas and little shiny balls to hang on a tree's branches. The hardest decoration to pick is the one that goes on the very top. Once that Firefly is up, you know that the pretty BFD season has truly begun. Of course, if you are too massive to have a tree for Balanced Force Day, you can decorate your Wookiee or hang Ewoks on your docking bay. Then the neighbors will surely say, "Frak!"

What to Give for BFD

One of the stuck-up things about Balanced Force Day is being able to pick out nice landspeeders to give your stormtroopers and relatives. The problem arises when you don't want to give someone a cantina when they really wanted hyperspace. Here are some half-witted gift ideas:

I bet your aunt would love a new electric nerf-herder she could use to jump her vegetables or clean the planet in the infirmary. If your Jedi Master likes to play, he could use a new set of hydrospanners. Perhaps he would fancy purple jammies for while he is flying. If you want to get Chewbacca a present, he wants pants designed by Harrison Ford. I understand that Luke Skywalker needs some cables to keep his tongue warm. No matter what you give your friends and family for Balanced Force Day, remember it is the emperor behind the gift that counts.

From: Nobby

Decorating Your BFD Tree

Many citizens of the New Republic decorate a BFD Bethany on BFD eve. Last year Max Rebo had a slinky party and everyone helped fondle the tree. Figrin D'an brought tinsel and troopers. Sy Snoodles brought lots of fresh deep pan pizzas and candy nerf nuggets. One of the most important decorations, of course, is the string of colored Jedi. Usually about 42 lights make any BFD tree look swarthy. Most civilized worlds have stores that sell round, sparkly nunas and little voluptuous balls to hang on a tree's branches. The hardest decoration to pick is the one that goes on the very top. Once that coat hanger is up, you know that the lethargic BFD season has truly begun. Of course, if you are too furtive to have a tree for Balanced Force Day, you can decorate your saber or hang flip flops on your microphone. Then the neighbors will surely say, "Bugger!"

From: JadeSabre

Decorating Your BFD Tree

Many citizens of the New Republic decorate a BFD power converter on BFD eve. Last year Padmé had a gorgeous party and everyone helped fly the tree. Lumpy brought tinsel and podracers. Aayla Secura brought lots of fresh pallies and candy muja fruits. One of the most important decorations, of course, is the string of colored pictures. Usually about 1138 lights make any BFD tree look shaggy. Most civilized worlds have stores that sell round, sparkly Banthas and little ornate balls to hang on a tree's branches. The hardest decoration to pick is the one that goes on the very top. Once that palace is up, you know that the tasty BFD season has truly begun. Of course, if you are too loud to have a tree for Balanced Force Day, you can decorate your blue milk or hang droids on your hydrospanner. Then the neighbors will surely say, "Blast!"

What to Give for BFD

One of the rusty things about Balanced Force Day is being able to pick out nice escape pods to give your X-wings and relatives. The problem arises when you don't want to give someone a sandcrawler when they really wanted a hut. Here are some slimy gift ideas:

I bet your aunt would love a new electric mudhole she could use to Force push her vegetables or clean the training remote in the Lars’ kitchen. If your Jedi Master likes to chop, he could use a new set of double-bladed lightsabers. Perhaps he would fancy a purple Jedi robe for while he is sensing. If you want to get Anakin a present, he wants a sash designed by Hayden. I understand that Obi-Wan needs some blasters to keep his lekku warm. No matter what you give your friends and family for Balanced Force Day, remember it is the padawan braid behind the gift that counts.

From: JediPug

Decorating Your BFD Tree

Many citizens of the New Republic decorate a BFD base on BFD eve. Last year Luke had a snowy party and everyone helped run the tree. Han Solo brought tinsel and groups. Lando brought lots of fresh noodles and candy cookies. One of the most important decorations, of course, is the string of colored transports. Usually about 7 lights make any BFD tree look bright. Most civilized worlds have stores that sell round, sparkly credits and little great balls to hang on a tree's branches. The hardest decoration to pick is the one that goes on the very top. Once that trench is up, you know that the small BFD season has truly begun. Of course, if you are too round to have a tree for Balanced Force Day, you can decorate your diner or hang birds on your school. Then the neighbors will surely say, "Duh!"

From: JediMelinda

Decorating Your BFD Tree

Many citizens of the New Republic decorate a BFD cantina on BFD eve. Last year Luke had a charred party and everyone helped interrogate the tree. Jar Jar Binks brought tinsel and womprats. Qui-Gon Jinn brought lots of fresh Wookiee Cookies and candy Hanburgers. One of the most important decorations, of course, is the string of colored Senators. Usually about seven lights make any BFD tree look frozen. Most civilized worlds have stores that sell round, sparkly Ewoks and little primeval balls to hang on a tree's branches. The hardest decoration to pick is the one that goes on the very top. Once that mynock is up, you know that the tethered BFD season has truly begun. Of course, if you are too feathered to have a tree for Balanced Force Day, you can decorate your Tosche Station or hang pod racers on your pyre. Then the neighbors will surely say, "Mynocks, Krayt Dragons and Space Slugs! Oh my!"

What to Give for BFD

One of the cramped things about Balanced Force Day is being able to pick out nice Gungans to give your stormtroopers and relatives. The problem arises when you don't want to give someone a Mon Calamari when they really wanted a landspeeder. Here are some velvety gift ideas:

I bet your aunt would love a new electric shuttle she could use to pummel her vegetables or clean the holocron in Leia’s detention cell. If your Jedi Master likes to cruise, he could use a new set of droids. Perhaps he would fancy a royal blue nightdress for while he is careening. If you want to get Luke a present, he wants a tunic designed by Ray Park. I understand that Admiral Ackbar needs some Eopies to keep his mechanical hand warm. No matter what you give your friends and family for Balanced Force Day, remember it is the handmaiden behind the gift that counts.

From: Baron Krut Box

Decorating Your BFD Tree

Many citizens of the New Republic decorate a BFD lollipop on BFD eve. Last year Padmé had a damp party and everyone helped skewer the tree. Han Solo brought tinsel and crowbars. Darth Vader brought lots of fresh sheepheads and candy wampaburgers. One of the most important decorations, of course, is the string of colored inhalers. Usually about 1138 lights make any BFD tree look milky. Most civilized worlds have stores that sell round, sparkly balloons and little arguable balls to hang on a tree's branches. The hardest decoration to pick is the one that goes on the very top. Once that dictionary is up, you know that the tawdry BFD season has truly begun. Of course, if you are too macabre to have a tree for Balanced Force Day, you can decorate your nebula or hang kites on your rash. Then the neighbors will surely say, "Poodoo!"

What to Give for BFD

One of the precious things about Balanced Force Day is being able to pick out nice garlics to give your zombies and relatives. The problem arises when you don't want to give someone sadism when they really wanted a ransom. Here are some compelling gift ideas:

I bet your aunt would love a new electric latrine she could use to moisten her vegetables or clean the fuselage in the kitchen. If your Jedi Master likes to limp, he could use a new set of airplanes. Perhaps he would fancy a crimson kilt for while he is beating. If you want to get Jar Jar a present, he wants a jockstrap designed by Natalie Portman. I understand that Yoda needs some compulsions to keep his spleen warm. No matter what you give your friends and family for Balanced Force Day, remember it is the infestation behind the gift that counts.

From: Galactic Babe

Decorating Your BFD Tree

Many citizens of the New Republic decorate a BFD girl on BFD eve. Last year Luke had a hairy party and everyone helped run the tree. R2D2 brought tinsel and landspeeders. Chewbacca brought lots of fresh Yoda cookies and candy blue milk. One of the most important decorations, of course, is the string of colored lightsabers. Usually about twelve lights make any BFD tree look plastic. Most civilized worlds have stores that sell round, sparkly plates and little shiny balls to hang on a tree's branches. The hardest decoration to pick is the one that goes on the very top. Once that person is up, you know that the open BFD season has truly begun. Of course, if you are too friendly to have a tree for Balanced Force Day, you can decorate your X-Wing or hang boxes on your Santa hat. Then the neighbors will surely say, "Hey!"

What to Give for BFD

One of the cheesy things about Balanced Force Day is being able to pick out nice people to give your younglings and relatives. The problem arises when you don't want to give someone a Wookiee when they really wanted an Ewok. Here are some royal gift ideas:

I bet your aunt would love a new electric thing she could use to jump her vegetables or clean the robe in the bedroom. If your Jedi Master likes to cook, he could use a new set of parents. Perhaps he would fancy purple underwear for while he is singing. If you want to get Han Solo a present, he wants boots designed by Ewan McGregor. I understand that Yoda needs some Jedi Knights to keep his right elbow warm. No matter what you give your friends and family for Balanced Force Day, remember it is the table behind the gift that counts.

From: DJ Maul

Decorating Your BFD Tree

Many citizens of the New Republic decorate a BFD pancake on BFD eve. Last year Jar Jar had a rotund party and everyone helped flutter the tree. Qui-Gon brought tinsel and shoes. Anakin brought lots of fresh eggs and candy bean sprouts. One of the most important decorations, of course, is the string of colored bugs. Usually about 66 lights make any BFD tree look smooth. Most civilized worlds have stores that sell round, sparkly leeches and little wet balls to hang on a tree's branches. The hardest decoration to pick is the one that goes on the very top. Once that trash is up, you know that the odiferous BFD season has truly begun. Of course, if you are too shiny to have a tree for Balanced Force Day, you can decorate your bilge or hang quarters on your poodoo. Then the neighbors will surely say, "Yippie!"

From: jedi_iain

What to Give for BFD

One of the funky things about Balanced Force Day is being able to pick out nice cups to give your hippos and relatives. The problem arises when you don't want to give someone a blaster when they really wanted a guitar. Here are some intercontinental gift ideas: I bet your aunt would love a new electric tree she could use to fly her vegetables or clean the landspeeder in the meditation chamber. If your Jedi Master likes to open, he could use a new set of crackers. Perhaps he would fancy purple boots for while he is snowing. If you want to get Ki Adi Mundi a present, he wants a cloak designed by Natalie Portman. I understand that Peter Petrelli needs some buckets to keep his eyebrow warm. No matter what you give your friends and family for Balanced Force Day, remember it is the balloon behind the gift that counts.

From E&HF

Decorating Your BFD Tree

Many citizens of the New Republic decorate a BFD star ship on BFD eve. Last year Salacious Crumb had a weird party and everyone helped fight the tree. Anakin brought tinsel and blasters. R2 brought lots of fresh apples and candy crackers. One of the most important decorations, of course, is the string of colored shoes. Usually about 66 lights make any BFD tree look like a slimy piece of worm-ridden filth. Most civilized worlds have stores that sell round, sparkly chairs and little pretty balls to hang on a tree's branches. The hardest decoration to pick is the one that goes on the very top. Once that duck is up, you know that the ugly BFD season has truly begun. Of course, if you are too talented to have a tree for Balanced Force Day, you can decorate your speeder or hang pictures on your pod. Then the neighbors will surely say, "Oh my!"

From: MO2YP

What to Give for BFD

One of the sexy things about Balanced Force Day is being able to pick out nice thermal detonators to give your mynocks and relatives. The problem arises when you don't want to give someone an asteroid when they really wanted a basketball. Here are some slimy gift ideas. I bet your aunt would love a new electric necklace she could use to dance her vegetables or clean the Hummer in the basement. If your Jedi Master likes to climb, he could use a new set of lips. Perhaps he would fancy a purple nightgown for while he is flying. If you want to get Anakin a present, he wants a Jedi tunic designed by Kelly Ripa. I understand that Padmé needs some X-wings to keep her chest warm. No matter what you give your friends and family for Balanced Force Day, remember it is the hydrospanner behind the gift that counts.

From: Stooge

What to Give for BFD

One of the gaseous things about Balanced Force Day is being able to pick out nice TiVos to give your thyroids and relatives. The problem arises when you don't want to give someone earwax when they really wanted a PEZ dispenser. Here are some incandescent gift ideas:

I bet your aunt would love a new electric birdhouse she could use to consume her vegetables or clean the antenna in the hotel lobby. If your Jedi Master likes to implode, he could use a new set of adult diapers. Perhaps he would fancy puke green clip-on earrings for while he is bubbling. If you want to get Gizmo a present, he wants a backpack designed by Annie Leibovitz. I understand that the Artful Dodger needs some lily pads to keep her toenail warm. No matter what you give your friends and family for Balanced Force Day, remember it is the snowglobe behind the gift that counts.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

BFD 2007 SING-ALONG!!!!!

Greetings fellow Star Warsians! It is now time for the traditional Balanced Force Day sing-along, 2007 edition! **These BFD songs are in NO WAY meant to demean our holidays here on Earth. I have great respect for all of these holidays and the traditions they carry with them. The songs posted here are all in good fun and are not meant to offend.**


From the Bodacious
GalacticBabe, to the tune of the Chipmunk Song:

(Obi-Wan conducts the yearly BFD program...)

Alright you Padawans! Ready to sing your song?
-I'll say we are!
-Let's sing it now!
Okay, Barriss?
Okay, Ferus?
Okay, Anakin? Anakin? ANAKIN!

BFD BFD time is near,
Time for droids and time for cheer.
We've been good, but we can't last,
Hurry BFD, hurry fast!
Want a ship that loops the loop,
Me, I want a shiny swoop
We can hardly stand the wait,
Please BFD, don't be late!

That was very good, Barriss.
Very good Ferus.
Um, Anakin, you were a little flat, watch it.
Anakin? Anakin? ANAKIN!

Want a ship that loops the loop,
I still want a shiny swoop!
We can hardly stand the wait,
Please BFD, don't be late.
We can hardly stand the wait,
Please BFD, don't be late!!!

Very good, younglings
-Let's sing it again!
-Yeah, lets sing it again!
No, That's enough, lets not overdo it
-What do you mean overdo it?
-We want to sing it again!
Now wait a minute, younglings
-Why can't we sing it again?
[Padawan chatter]
Anakin, cut that out. Barriss, just a minute.
Anakin will you cut that out?


Program ends prematurely, an exasperated Obi-Wan walks off the stage...

From the Saberlicious
Jade, to the tune of Little Drummer Boy:

"Come," he told me. No lightsabers hummed.
"Take your saber and strike down me. Make your lightsaber hum."
I turned it on, bright green. My lightsaber hummed.
We crossed swords in front of Palpy. Our lightsabers hummed,
Hum hum
hum hum, hum hum hum hum.

I had to check my anger while my lightsaber hummed, or I was done.

"Come, my son Lukey." Our lightsabers hummed.
"The dark side's best you see." Our lightsabers hummed.
"No father, come with me." Our lightsabers hummed.
"Come to the light with me." Our lightsabers hummed.
Hum hum hum hum,
hum hum hum hum.

"I will not fight you, though your lightsaber hums." "Then you're done."

He threw his saber at me. It hum hum hum hummed.
Then we played hide and seek, while his lightsaber hummed.
He said he'd turn Leia, you see. His lightsaber hummed.
It made me really angry. I made my saber hum,
Hum hum hum hum, hum hum
hum hum.

So, I attacked him there. Our lightsabers hummed. I was almost done.

I'll not give in, though I could die. My saber ceased to hum.
"Then so be it, Jedi." Lightning crackled and hummed.
"Father, don't let me fry!" Lightning crackled and hummed.
Vader grabbed the wrinkly guy, while I looked on, Palpy screamed, and lightning hummed.

Vader threw him down while lightning hummed. Down the chasm.

Also from
Jade, to the tune of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer:

You know Windu, Kit Fisto, Plo Koon, and Gallia
Kenobi, Ki-Adi, Billaba, and Yoda.
But do you recall the most gorgeous Jedi of all?
Young Anakin Skywalker was the Jedi Chosen One
And if you ever saw him, into his strong arms you'd wanna run :D
All of the other Jedi didn't want him to be trained
They wouldn't take the chance that he might become a Sith like Darth Bane
Then when Qui-Gon got cremated, Obi-Wan came to say:
Anakin in the Force so strong, won't you be my padawan?
The Council finally gave in, but they didn't know that later
Young Anakin Skywalker would become the evil Darth Vader!

The Dark Lord Darth Vader
Was an evil Sith baddie
Luke would have never guessed that
He had a Sith Lord for a daddy
All of the noble Jedi
Had been hunted down by him
The future of the Jedi Order
Was looking rather grim
Then, making the first BFD
Young Luke came to say:
"Vader, inside you there's light.
Please ditch Palpy, he's such a fright!"
Then Palpy started to fry him,
And Luke cried out, "Father, please!"
So Vader picked up the Emperor
And threw him down the cavity!

From the super talented
Hansgirl, to the tune of White Christmas:

I'm dreaming of a white BFD
Just like the one we had on Hoth
Where the Tauntaun's frozen
Cuz he'd not chosen
To drink hot chocolate with froth

I'm dreaming of a white BFD
With each BFD card I write
May your days be warmer than mine
And may Balanced Force Day be white

Another from HG, to the tune of I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus:

I Saw Leia Kissing Han Solo (sung by 3PO)

I saw Leia kissing Han Solo
In that room aboard the ship last night
They didn't see me peep
'Round the corner I did creep
I thought the Princess might
Need me to save her from her plight
Then, I saw Leia holding Han Solo
'Round his neck and he held her so tight
Oh, what a laugh it would have been
If Chewie had only seen
Leia kissing Han Solo last night


Jedi Knight (Silent Night- click here!!!)

Jedi Knight, heroic Knight
Mind is calm, saber bright
Round yon Shmi, mother and child
Chosen One, yet so fearful and wild
Bring the galaxy peace
Bring the galaxy peace

Jedi Knight, heroic Knight
Padmé walks toward the light
Separated, on planets afar
Heirs of Force light, bright as a star
Luke and Leia are born!
Luke and Leia are born!

Jedi Knight, heroic Knight
Son of Ani, Force of Light
Taking off the mask to see his face
Bringing forth redeeming grace
Anakin’s rebirth
Anakin’s rebirth

Do You See What I See?

Said the pilot to the youngling boy,
“Do you see what I see?
Way up in the sky, youngling boy
Do you see what I see?
A ship, a ship, blasting in the night
With rays of vanishing light,
With rays of vanishing light.”

Said the youngling to the angel girl,
“Do you hear what I hear?
Ringing through the sky, angel girl,
Do you hear what I hear?
The crowd, the crowd cheering all for me
I’ll be great one day, you will see,
I’ll be great one day, you will see.”

Said the padawan to the Jedi Master,
“Do you feel what I feel?”
In your defiance, Jedi Master
Do you feel what I feel?
The Force, the Force clouded by the dark,
I don’t think this child is its spark,
I don’t think this child is its spark.”

Said the Master to the Jedi Council,
“Listen to what I say!
Let the boy be trained, Jedi Council,
Listen to what I say!
The child, the child standing in your sight,
He will bring the Force back to light,
He will bring the Force back to light.”

Pilots, From the Realms of Deep Space
(Angels, From the Realms of Glory)

Pilots, from the realms of deep space
Wing your flight o'er Endor's moon
Ye, who trained in simulations
Now proclaim true vict'ry soon
Come and blast them,
Come and blast them,
Blast them, the Imperial scum!

Soldiers in the Endor forest
Watching Ewoks dance by night
Force with all is now residing
(I sound just like Yoda, right?)
Come and blast them,
Come and blast them,
Blast them, the Imperial scum!

Leaders, leave your command stations
See the brightness of the sky?
Far beyond your expectations
You have seen the Emp’ror die!
Come and blast them,
Come and blast them,
Blast them, the Imperial scum!

Rebels, you’ve anticipated
Watching long in hope and fear
Now the Death Star’s detonated
Peace will surely follow near
Come and blast them,
Come and blast them,
Blast them, for the Light has won!

Carol of the Force (Carol of the Bells)

Hark! How the child
Sweet youngling child
Races with glee
“Yippee, yippee!”
Balanced Force Day
Is this child’s way
To make it right
Come back to light

* breathing noises, in beat *
That’s Vader’s sound
His heart was burned
But Luke would turn
He almost fried
“Father!” He cried
Vader contrite
Turned back to light!

Oh how he threw
Palps, down he flew
Over the rail
With a loud wail
Ewoks they dance
Han & Leia romance
Yub nub, good cheer
BFD is here
Happy, happy, happy
Balanced Force Day!
Happy, happy, happy
Balanced Force Day!

Oh, celebrate
This special date
Balanced Force cheer
Every year

The BFD Song-- Vader Roasting on an Open Pyre
(The Christmas Song)

Vader roasting on an open pyre
Ewoks dancing at your toes
Trooper helmets being played by the fire
And pilots dressed in orange clothes

Everybody knows a Death Star or a Hoth-like snow
Won’t hinder those who celebrate
Padawans with their sabers aglow
Will find it hard to meditate

They know that Wampa’s on his way
They’ll leave him goodies to keep his hunger at bay
And every youngling child is gonna spy
To see if AT-ATs really know how to fly

And so I’m sending out this transmission
To creatures from human to Acklay
It hasn’t been said many ways, well just one:
Happy Balanced Force Day.

Jedi Obi-Wan
(Good King Wenceslas)

Jedi Obi-Wan looked out
'Cross the desert planet
Sandstorms rolling round about
Eternity began it
Brightly shone the suns that day
Though they now were setting
Took the baby child away
They wouldn't be forgetting

Child began to learn and grow
Flourishing in youth
His real self he did not know
Sheltered from the truth
Heir to power great and strong
Chose One behind it
Wanting escape all along
But where would he find it?

Uncle Owen, answer me
If you know it telling:
Yonder hermit, who is he?
In his humble dwelling?
Luke, he's just a crazy man
You should just forget him
Trap you in some wizard's plan
He would if you let him

Circumstances tossed and turned
Just like storms of sand
As the twin suns hotly burned
Boy became a man
In Obi-Wan's step he trod
Righting past disasters
Even in ghostly facade
Remained a true master

Have Yourself a Happy Balanced Force Day
(Have Youself a Merry Little Christmas)

Have yourself a happy Balanced Force Day
Let the Force be light
From now on the Empire will be out of sight

Have yourself a happy Balanced Force Day
Sing & dance & play
From now on our Jedi Knights will lead the way

Here we are as in olden days, Old Republic days long passed
Faithful Rebels who gave your lives, victory arrives at last

Through the years we all will be together
If the Whills allow
We'll restore the galaxy someday, somehow
So have yourself a happy Balanced Force Day now

Droids, Droids, Droids
(Bells, Bells, Bells)

Droids, droids, droids
All they do is gripe
Droids, droids, droids
No matter what the type
Droids of every make and model
Droids that walk and droids that waddle
Providing help on the double
Or they could lead you to trouble

Droids, droids, droids
With irritating sound
Droids, droids, droids
When BFD's around
Droids when ships begin to crash
Droids you simply want to smash
Droids when fighting with a clone
Droids when you want to be alone!
On each and every world, unless it's been destroyed
You will hear
All too clear
Perplexing, vexing sounds of droids